Stock Market Debacle

Why is it that every time the Market, or more specifically the Dow Jones Index drops two or 300 points, everyone points to some impending apocalyptic event? I know the 300 point drop was a few weeks ago, but the market has since jumped up in leaps and bounds, but no one talks about the promise land being within reach. This should be a lesson to us all to go by your on knowledge and instincts and take the word of "experts" only but so far. The market is always going to have dips, but the general progression will continue to rise. So keep investing in that IRA or 401K even when there is a drop, you'll be glad you did when prices start to rise again. I mean even the Great Depression couldn't prevent the US stock marker from gaining value, why should interest rates.

Thanks for Reading

I Love you Baby


  1. L. Marie Joseph said...

    I'm happy when the market goes down. That is the time to load up on investing  

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