This doesn't have to do with finances, well not normal finances anyways, but Roger Clemens reportedly is seeking a (pro-rated) $24 Million-One year contract. He won't start pitching until June, according to baseball sources, but he is looking to make $4 Million (Yes, in US dollars) a month. I am a huge Yankee fan and the man is one of the greatest pitchers ever, but in no way do I think he is worth this kind of money.

The numbers he has put up recently have been in the National League with the Houston Astros. American League lineups are much tougher and will wear him out. I know he dominated the AL for most of his career but that was when he was younger. He will put up decent numbers I'm sure, but nothing close to being worth $4Mil. I dont think any player in any sport is worth that much, besides Michael Jordan (I'm also a Knick fan so that was a tough pill to swallow right there). I hope they take the Randy Johnson fiasco as a lesson on overpaying for old pitchers, especially those coming from the senior circuit (National League). The pitching rotation is a question mark but let's not overreact, at least see what Philip Hughes can do before we add more age to this fading team.

The reason I'm posting this on the site is because the site is dedicated to Dad financials and most dads are into sports, myself included, so this is for all of us. I know when the teams I'm rooting for win, I am much more productive at work. This directly effects my financials :) Plus my little girl actually likes watching Sportscenter with her daddy, so more the reason to add it to our family page. We haven't converted the wife just yet, but we're working on it.

Can you even imagine making $4 million a month? Let alone that its for playing a game. This truly is the land of opportunity, you just have to be home when he comes a knockin'. Hopefully theres a female professional baseball league by the time the princess is old enough, she's got one heck of an arm on her little 9 month old shoulder. It would be a shame for it to go to waste. No pressure, but a Dad can dream :)

Thanks for reading

I love you Baby


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